“Where to next?” Kemana lagi setelah ini? Sebuah pertanyaan yang pasti diutarakan oleh setiap individu dalam persiapan transisi dari satu tahapan kehidupan ke tahapan kehidupan yang berikutnya. Terkhusus, pertanyaan tersebut […]
Dear all, Hope you are all in good health. On the 2th of May we found the motivation in the English Department to seek for the establishment of a reflective, […]
The experience to stay for a temporal time at the English Department of Widya Mandala Catholic University created in me a different and new perspective about the education inside of […]
Monday, February 5 2018 is my first day to Widya Mandala, Kalijudan campus. It is such a burning hot day for me because my country is still in chilly winter. […]
Abstract This study aims at examining the effect of board games on seventh grade students’ grammar achievement. This is a pre-experimental study using one group pre-test post-test. The writer did […]
During the exchanging period in Widya Mandala University, I had Chinese New Year in Mojokerto (莫佐克托). In the beginning, my friends invited me to visit her city passionately. As a […]
Why TESOL? Why not other languages? Why English? To answer this question, I would explain it based on my personal knowledge by explaining the current position of English in the […]
Regional English Language Office (RELO), U.S. Embassy Jakarta together with US Consulate Surabaya, Widya Mandala Catholic, Surabaya, hold a seminar and workshop by an English Language Specialist Greg Kessler, Ph.D. […]