UKWMS, Surabaya, Indonesia – 30 Celsius
Bagaimana Kamu?
Long, long weekend uh? Nonetheless It is good to take a break sometimes to take the energy back 🙂
To start with this great idea I went for swimming to Surabaya Plaza Hotel, had a relaxing time and enjoyed the Surabaya´s sunny weather
After this great bath, I was ready to embark in the promising trip to Iljen, a minibus of 15 people organised by AIESEC sounded so good. We started our trip from Surabaya around 17:00, reaching Iljen by 00:00, walked for three hours (some of them stopped in the middle of the way and came back) and when we reached the top, semmed like the Lords of the Rings, we had to go down a bit further to watch the Blue Fire. It was really great, amazing views, nature and of course, Blue Fire. I am impress with the workers who extract the sulfure everyday from the mine…they really work hard for not a worth it quantity of money, I felt pity for them. So, sorry I loose my mind; we still needed two hours to go back to the bus and have some breakfast, reaching It at 06:00. Yes, I arrived home in Surabaya around 19:00, long trip back home with some stops and at some points with inmature European people next to me; I will never understand those people so shortsighted who complain about things without even having tried to understand them first. As you can guess, I was shattered, but the experience on Iljen mountain was quite worth it!
Next day I woke up to study a bit and went to TKD training, straight from It (and after had a shower, of course) I went to Pasar Turi Baru as I was kindly invited the week before to be the jury of childrens fashion show due to Easter festivity; we had good fun, enjoyed the show and selected the winners according the criteria we were told and discussed. Full of people, music also some of them were really good. Thank you Nindy Julian for let it me know 🙂
As I got home starving, I checked out of if mye neighbour Yusuf was around, indeed he was, we went for delicious street dinner and some Terang Bulan as well as dessert. That gave me the energy I needed to start next day, Monday, full of liveliness at Widya Mandala.
Hope you guys had a nice Holy Week weekend and recovered some strength again after the exams, waiting for you this Wednesday also into Widya Mandala Auditorium for our Cultural Event: Carnival Party!
UKWMS, Surabaya, Indonesia – 34 Celsius
It have been a long week, but finally we are on Holy Week, holidays and the exams are off! Congratulations for your effort to all of you guys ?
Keep going with my personal Indonesian experience, I try some new things this week. On Monday I went around with P.Hady checking out the surroundings of the old Surabya football Stadium also trying some food, fruits and visiting a traditional market (yes, I do not really agree in the way the put the chiken on the floor and so on) where the people were so friendly, nice and we had a good time. After that I went home to work for a while on my stuffs
I happily discovered a street food stand quite close to my boarding house where they sell delicious terang bulan and martabak. Hope to control myself to do not eat it every day and get fat…
On the first day of the holidays I have been out with the counselors M. Kezia and M.Intan, we had a really great time having an extremely palatable lunch at Bumi Surabaya City Resort, incredible place and food, so greatful to M.Intan who took me there. After that and with a full belly, we headed Pakuwon Mall to enjoy a movie on the cinema. Really great starting of the Holidays isn´t it?
By the way…would like to thank the Students Committee which is joining the organization of our CARNIVAL PARTY. We are working toward to set up a great performance https://englishwm.net/index.php/event/carnival-party/
Enjoy these days! 🙂 This is a time also for being grateful and own reflection
UKWMS, Surabaya, Indonesia – 34 Celsius
Had a busy and enjoyable weekend,
On Saturday I went cycling to the fishermen’s village here in Surabaya accompanied by P.Hady, visiting some places and having a nice time I saw a great Hindi Temple, also Kenjeran beach and we were exploring the nature in the furthest part of Surabaya close to Suramadu bridge.
I really enjoy seeing different ways of life, people and environments. Also trying different foods hehe..
As It is getting usual, on Sunday after the Taekwondo training in DInoyo I went to the Heroes Monument, as because I was starving after It I had a great street Bakso, delicious. From that I went to Sutos, as everyone is telling me to go there!, but to be honest…I did not find anything interesting there, just places to eat and the cinema, nothing different for others malls here in Surabaya.
To finish this post I would like to mention the 4º Semester class that I assisted today leaded by B. Retno where the students were performing “English teaching”. Quite different ways to teach, well done guys! you will be amazing in some years

UKWMS, Surabaya, Indonesia – 32 Celsius
Hi fellows,
I keep learning a lot here on Widya Mandala, first of all today I would like to thank the English Department Teachers, Counselors and also the student for being such a great team. I think the prevailing atmosphere motivates towards change, learning and improvement.
With your permission I would like to quote Anne Frank:
Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right path, the the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands
Everything is on you, within belonging into a living ecosystem as life itself 🙂
During this week a student, Holy, to record and interview. We had a nice chat and for me was great to expend that time speaking about different issues.

Onto the last days of this week, appreciating the invitation of P. Luluk and P. Johannes, I was participating on the Speaking exam for 4th semester students. It is not easy to perform on the “D” day right? to many factors take place. However, I saw raring, iniciative, good base of English and the most important: you are learning well and I encourage you to keep going that way
I send you energy for the last exams!!
Pantai Ria Kenjeran, Surabaya, Indonesia – 14.00 pm – 35 Celsius
After that I join the student Amid into a familiar meeting, for me It was interesting to see how some families live here on Indonesia, how they behave between relatives and their daily life. They were so kind to me, as I tried to be so; to finish we went for a nice dinner into a restaurant here in Surabaya trying “Yogyakarta food”.
Sunday I went to Dinoyo to train Taekwondo, It is good to share good moments with colleagues doing something that you love. On the evening the student Rinaldi and I joined a visit to Kenjeran Park. It is a nice place also It could be better if the beach was cleaner uh?. Nice temples, rich in culture and green areas. Better to go with some water tho, when the sun humidity hit here, they do not joke.
Such a trip today to start the week visiting Pasar Atum, joining the counselors we went to get some stuffs for the preparation of the Easter events. Great place to get lose while eating, wondering around and buying things.

UKWMS, Surabaya, Indonesia – 12.35 pm – 34 Celsius
Once there and after she she did a little review with students, we performed a Cultural Presentation about life, culture and academics in Spain. I have to say that is was pretty good, not because of me, if not for the attitude of the students. We had fun teasing between each others with interesting questions and some jokes.
Over again, there were very interested on the presentation, asking questions and involving themselves on it. We share knowledge among us, ideas and laughter.
For me it was a great experience to be able to know new environments and people. Also to develop my skills within thanks to the interaction with others.
Well done guys, may I will see you again, Carnival event??

Kenjeran Beach, Surabaya, Indonesia – 07.22 am – 35 Celsius
What about the eclipse? Did you watch it? I went to Kenjeran beach with a friend of mine (Yusuf, old student from engineering carrer in… yes!, Widya Mandala) and some old photo films to watch it. Too many people there enjoying it, after that, of course, we have a proper Indonesian spicy breakfast.
On Tuesday I joined Speaking class 3 imparted by Pak. Luluk. Great presentations performed by the students of the forth semester as they are improving their presentation skills. We were giving some tips to them to develop those skills, not only within the English language but daily. I am glad to see the good academic level they have, not just that if not what they can achieve if they keep going in this track.
After that I went along with Pak. Hady to Widya Mandala Pakuwon Campus as we were assisting to various presentations of some of the students accomplishing the philosophy career where. They showed us some diverse information about Indonesian culture on different fields while they improve their English speaking and speech skills. This guys deserve an applause to put the effort on it.
To finish this entrance I would like to make a point about the Indonesian pizza, how can you put sweet ketchup on it?! Haha I went to try it (I will not make publicity but it is a famous pizza chain, related with hats…) It tasted very good. However, I am accustomed to have it with just tomate sauce. Maybe I would need to try it again you know…just to make sure which one I like more…not because I like pizza at all
Malang, Indonesia – 11.13 am – 32 Celsius

During the weekend I was enjoying my free time on Malang, joining the student GIselle and her family who kindly asked along to go with them. We had such a good time visiting the Hawai WaterPark, The Army Museum in Malang, the Cathedral, having dinner out trying Chinese and Sumatra’s food also driving motorbike around the city while wondering around different places.
Momen besar!!

Surabaya, Indonesia – 14.43 pm – 32 Celsius

Halo semua,
I am getting an expert in trying Indonesian food, either on the canteen, street food, with P. Hady Sutris Winarlim, M.Sc, Dra. Agnes Santi Widiati, M.Pd… either on my own! Delicious, I still miss olive oil, oven’s bread and so on but it becomes less hard as I discover the richness of the food here, soto soup, spicy chicken, fried rice, etc. Emoji
Changing the subject I am very happy working in our Campus at Widya Mandala, everyone makes me feel as at home. I try to give my best, learn from my mistakes and go ahead. By the way the other day I was at the top of the building, great views.
I hope you enjoyed the Carnival presentation about the event we are going to hold on the 30th of March.
It is going to be fun, any comment or suggestion about it will be more than welcome.