What They Say About Us

New year,  new beginning!  2016 brings new challenges and the English Department has taken an action by launching a new website with a contemporary taste and design in addition to its rich and resourceful content.  The website reflects the Department’s spirit in facing the challenges in this changing world in terms of the rapid advancement in technology which effects the dynamics across the life course of the society. This initial step requires a solid team work from all students and lecturers in the Department to participate actively in enriching the content of the website.  We are waiting for your contribution!
  • The website of the English Education Department demonstrates the University’s core values and culture

    I am really impressed with such a wonderful and dynamic website created and developed by the English Education Department. It indeed demonstrates the University’s core values and culture, namely care, commitment, and enthusiasm. I believe every individual who explores the information and pictures shown in the website will taste and sense the academic atmosphere of the English Education Department in particular and the Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya at large.

    Drs. Kuncoro Foe. G.Dip.Sc., Ph.D.
    - Rector
  • I am very happy with the rebirth of our website

    Now that we have to the digital era, the demand of a live website has become a necessity, and I am very happy with the rebirth of our website. I am sure that this website will be a great place to display what we have done, are doing, and will be doing not only for us to know but the world. I am confident that this website will be a very good ecosystem where we can interact not only with those within our circles, but also with ones outside our broadest possible reach.
    P. Hady Sutris Winarlim, M.Sc
    - Head of the Department
  • This website has a great benefit

    This is a great achievement of the English Department in terms of making the Department easily accessible to students, lecturers, and the public, by getting the updated information. Especially for the students, this website has a great benefit to make their learning process goes smoothly and faster as they can do their course registration. Overall, I would say that this website shows the care, commitment, and enthusiasm of the Department to serve the students and the public at large.

    Prof. Dr. Veronica L. Diptoadi, M.Sc
    - Lecturer
  • This website really makes us happy

    In this digital era, we need a really fast, easy, comfortable, efficient, and interesting medium to convey and access information. The English Department’s website is the most effective way of spreading the department’s existence with all the useful information it provides. It is beautiful and interesting and really beneficial for all of our stakeholders. I’m sure our students are happy we have this website, school teachers will also find it insightful reading the articles, and moreover, parents can find the benefits of knowing what is happening in the department. This website really makes us happy.

    Dra. Agnes Santi Widiati, M.Pd
    - Lecturer
  • Wow this is so 2016

    The design is interesting with gorgeous pictures of our own students. The mapping is also clear since everything is grouped neatly. That makes us easier to find the things we want. 🙂 For the Department, I hope that it keeps the good quality and also being better at the same time. I also hope that the Department will always produces excelent future English teachers who are ready and armed to face the globalization era. 😉

    Indra Susanto
    - Student (1213012058)
  • What a beautiful website ! I am proud to be a student of English Department WIMA Catholic University !

    I hope our beloved department can develop in becoming a best English Department in Surabaya. I do not speak only for the building, but also for the staffs, students, and the curriculum. God will always be with us 🙂

    Benedictus Dhaniar Ardra
    - Student (1213014018)
  • 3C for English Department’s Website! (Cool, Creative & Colorful)

    The website of the English Department is greatly made. As a student, I’m proud to be a part of WM. Not only the academics are being concerned, but also the efforts made for students and other people to access information easily become one of the top priorities. Through this website, I believe, people both from inside and outside of WM can get useful information easily and see updated information as well. I hope there will be upcoming videos added soon to show how fun our activities in English Department are!

    Christy Augustina
    - Student (1213013007)
  • I feel so proud and excited with the coming breakthrough

    The digital era has been started and English department Widya Mandala already made such great improvements through this website. We, as alumni of English department, feel so proud and excited with the coming breakthrough. We are looking forward to feeling much bigger contribution by the students and lecturers. Keep making great improvements!

    Adrian Ekky
    - Alumni