
Latest Past Events

Total Immersion Days (TID)

Various Destination Denpasar

Total Immersion Days (TID) program is an annual program conducted by the English Department of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. This program is to furnish the students with the opportunity to make use of their English in an immersed environment through the programs. With this program, it is also expected that students broaden their […]

Seminar Nasional – Pendidikan & Kewirausahaan Menghadapi MEA

Auditorium Kalijudan Campus Jl. Kalijudan No.37, Surabaya

Seminar Nasional Pendidikan - Pendidikan Dan Kewirausahaan Dalam Menghadapi MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean) Integrasi ekonomi di kawasan Asia Tenggara telah terealisasikan dalam kesepakatan Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) yang dimulai sejak Desember 2015. Kesepakatan ini membawa dampak pada banyak sektor tanpa terkecuali sektor pendidikan  yang terlibat secara langsung dalam mempersiapkan generasi muda untuk mampu menjadi  sumber […]

Workshop on IELTS

Auditorium Kalijudan Campus Jl. Kalijudan No.37, Surabaya

This 3-hour IELTS workshop will familiarize students with IELTS test format and show them the test taking strategies. By knowing what the test involves, it is expected that students will be able to perform more confidently when taking the test. The workshop will cover the following topics: An overview of the IELTS test Listening techniques […]